A Spirited Fusion of Meme Magic, Pokémon Fandom, and Decentralized Innovation!

What happens when electric sparks, the world of Pokemon, and Crypto collide? The result is electrifying - we get Jolteon Inu⚡!

Our love for this lightning-fast Pokemon is what fuels this crypto venture. After all, who could resist the dynamic charm of Jolteon? It's got the power to take you to electrifying heights!

Join us on this thrilling adventure. Let's create sparks, let's generate energy, let's illuminate the crypto world with the powerful spirit of Jolteon Inu⚡


  • 99 MILLION SUPPLY only

1% buyback, 7% for high-voltage marketing

  • 10% CEX listings

  • 2% BUY/ 6% SELL TAX

  • 30% liquidity





  • No team tokens

  • 10% staking rewards


Electro Phase 1

Contract Deployment/ Website

Telegram Launch

Social Media Launch

Jolteon Inu Party

Community Building

Trending List & Ad Buys

DexTools Update

FairLaunch on PinkSale

Electro Phase 2

Pokemon Card Partnership

CG & CMC Listings

Viral Twitter Contest & Twitter Spaces

TG Caller Partnerships & AMAs

First CEX Listing

Biggest Buy Contests

Medium to Large Influencer Shilling

Contract Renounce

Full Website Revamp

Electro Phase 3

NFT Marketplace

Second CEX Listing Tier 1

Jolteon Inu Competitions

Influencer Partnership


10000 Holders

ama with the team


⚡For any inquiries, please reach us at: contact@jolteoninu.org

Jolteon Inu (JINU) has no association with any external characters or creations. This token is inspired by our love and appreciation for Crypto and Pokemon.